fredag, januari 24, 2020

Bristol dag 17 - Glosor.

Ord och uttryck kommer till mig. Mycket är bekant, annat osäkert, en del tidigare okänt.

Här kommer en lista på engelskheter som jag har stött på de senaste dagarna och som jag inte kunnat eller varit osäker på. Först en lista utan någon förklaring och längre ner med en förklaring.

Vad kan du?

(Och jag skriver så långt jag vill. Det är träning inför morgondagens quiz.)

1. Soliloquy
2. Regurgitate
3. A London weighting
4. Hit the ground running
5. Docked a day's pay
6. Someone with a pulse
7. Loquacious
8. Thumping
9. Micro-managing
10. Gory
11. Woulda coulda shoulda
12. Bequeath
13. Jack of all trades, (master of none)
14. Bone of contention
15. Devolution
16. Devolve
17. Impedement
18. Lean
19. Taut
20. Looker
21. Spoiled for choice
22. Chuffed to bits
23. Country bumpkin
24. Whack
25. Conducive
26. Begrudge
27. Verdant
28. Mulch
29. Cascade
30. Languorous
31. Gush
32. Pulling faces
33. Exasperation
34. Exasperated
35. Grumble
36. Gullible
37. To be taken in
38. She didn't beat around the bush
39. Scatter
40. On commission
41. Put off
42. We've got bigger fish to fry
43. Beggars can't be choosers
44. Flog
45. To be cheek in tongue
46. Fiery
47. Star-studded
48. Coerced
49. Coercion
50. Scoure 
51. Bonkers
52. Mad as a box of frogs
52. Scotch mist
53. It's a dreich sort a day
54. Take a rejection in your stride
55. Tenuous
56. Unprecedented 
57. Tedious 

1. Soliloquy - monologue 
2. Regurgitate - reproduce without any thinking of your own
3. A London weighting - extra salary when working in London
4. Hit the ground running - get going immediately
5. Docked a day's pay - no salary that as a punishment
6. Someone with a pulse - anyone
7. Loquacious - talkative, a chatterbox
8. Thumping - very big
9. Micro-managing - to control in detail, lack of confidence for the staff
10. Gory - bloody, juicy, interesting
11. Woulda coulda shoulda - to dwell on the past (älta)
12. Bequeath - let someone inherit 
13. Jack of all trades, (master of none) - to be able to do all kinds of stuff
14. Bone of contention - a subject over which there is dispute/discussion/disagreement
15. Devolution - transfer of power
16. Devolve - Transfer power (from state to region for example)
17. Impedement - hindrance, obstacle 
18. Lean - thin, lacks fat
19. Taut - stretched, pulled tight
20. Looker - person who looks good (mostly used for women)
21. Spoiled for choice - to have a lot to choose from
22. Chuffed to bits - (very) pleased
23. Country bumpkin - bonnläpp, typ
24. Whack - hit hard
25. Conducive - stimulating, encouraging
26. Begrudge - to envy (mer som missunna)
27. Verdant - green, lush, filled with vegetation
28. Mulch - Mix of organic stuff on the ground's surface in the woods
29. Cascade - Water running down or domino effect
30. Languorous - Lazy in a tired but pleasant way
31. Gush - (Välla ut/fram)
32. Pulling faces - (Göra grimaser)
33. Exasperation - frustration, annoyance
34. Exasperated - having strong feelings of irritation
35. Grumble - complain in a low, mumbling voice
36. Gullible - easy to fool
37. To be taken in - to be fooled
38. She didn't beat around the bush - she was very clear
39. Scatter - spread (suddenly) in different direct
40. On commission - på provision
41. Put off - wait to do
42. We've got bigger fish to fry - more important things to do
43. Beggars can't be choosers - take what you can get, not in the position to choose
44. Flog - sell quickly, put out on sale
45. To be tongue in cheek - ironic, stone faced
46. Fiery - hot
47. Star-studded - filled with stars (film or event...)
48. Coerced - forced to
49. Coercion - tvång
50. Scoure - serach through carefully
51. Bonkers - crazy, mad, nuts
52. Mad as a box of frogs - insane, crazy (mad doesn't mean angry in England)
52. Scotch mist - Small, small raindrops in the air, between drizzle and mist
53. A dreich sort of day (scot.) - a day with Scotch mist
54. Take a rejection in your stride - to not be interrupted, just move on
55. Tenuous - weak, thin, fragile 
56. Unprecedented - Never before seen or done 
57. Tedious - boring, sad

2 kommentarer:

Karin sa...

OMG, kunde typ 11, tror jag :D

Tvivlet sa...

Inte så illa!